Wilder Walkway

At the suggestion of residents, Wilder drew up a plan to depave and green a featureless walkway. Children from Riverside School researched wildlife-friendly edible plants, and helped Wilder draw up a plant list. The pupils, many of who had never put a plant in the ground before, then helped us plant up the hugelkultur mounds along the walkway.

Look out for an array of edible plants along this walkway. You will find chamomile, common sorrel, musk mallow, ox eye daisy, red clover, salad burnet, sweet cicely, white clover, wild carrot, wild marjoram, wild strawberry, wild thyme, wood sage, yarrow and more.

The Walkway was created in partnership with local residents, Southwark Council, FM Conway and Tideway. It is one of several Wilder community projects in north Bermondsey.

Riverside School

“The children came back very excited about what they had done… a very valuable and unusual experience. Many children will not have their own gardens, and do not get to do activities like this regularly, if at all. It is opening their eyes to possibilities.”

‘To plant in a garden is to believe in tomorrow.’

— Audrey Hepburn