Make a biodegradable wreath

Festive craft alert! With a few snips to garden plants you can make a biodegradable wreath to hang on the door.

You’ll need:

  • Scissors/clippers

  • Some bendy cuttings - try clematis or dogwood

  • Evergreen leaves, seed heads and stems with berries

  • Organic twine

This big clematis was causing a fence to collapse, so was going to be trimmed anyway.

Cut a few branches and twine them into circles. These wreaths already look great, but the leaves will fall off within a week or two. Either display them and don’t expect them to last, or trim off the leaves and work with the bare circle.

Collect bundles of foliage and bind them with twine into posies.

Add the posies to your wreath - it looks neater if they face in the same direction.

Bind the posies to the circle using twine

Cut a length of twine and tie a knot to form a loop. Use the loop to hang your wreath.

Lively up your wreath! I decided this one was looking too tidy. So I added more holly and berries, and gave it a wilder, more abundant look.

And… when the festive season is done, put the wreath in your green waste bin, or chuck it on the compost heap.


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